– This Picture of Endangered Animals is one of the best materials for helping your children in learning about endangered species. The picture consists of several animal images in cartoon mode. It is also has a HD quality with 1920×1080 pixels. So, it will still be of good quality when you print it in a large size.
Read also: Picture of Domestic Animals with Names
There are several frequently questions about endangered animals, such as: What animals are nearly extinct? What animals are in danger of extinction? What is the rarest animal on earth? How many animals have gone extinct? and many more.
Endangered animals meaning and definition
Endangered animals are animals that are in danger of becoming extinct caused of several factors. This means that there will be no more of these animals alive on earth. An animal is considered an endangered or “threatened species” when there are very few of them alive.
This wallpaper consists of the picture of several most endangered species in the world and several animals of the top 10 endangered animals. Here is the list:
Top 10 Endangered Animals
1. Komodo Dragons
Komodo Dragons are listed as endangered species due to habitat destruction from development and natural disasters. The Komodo dragons are threatened by the impact of climate change and in the next 45 years, the rising of global temperature and subsequent sea levels will reduce more than 30% of the ancient lizard’s habitat in Komodo National Park. The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard in the world and one of the rare animals. Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) are endangered due to a combination of factors that have threatened their population and habitat.
These factors include:
- Habitat Loss: Human activities such as agriculture, logging, and development have led to the destruction of the Komodo dragon’s natural habitat. As their habitats shrink, these animals have less space to hunt and live.
- Poaching and Illegal Trade: Komodo dragons have been targeted by poachers for their skins and other body parts. Additionally, there is an illegal trade in these animals as exotic pets, despite national and international regulations against it.
- Human-Wildlife Conflict: In some cases, Komodo dragons come into conflict with humans when they venture into populated areas. This can lead to negative interactions and even retaliatory killings.
- Natural Disasters: Natural events such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes can impact Komodo dragon populations and their habitats.
- Climate Change: Rising sea levels and changing weather patterns can have an impact on the coastal areas where Komodo dragons live and breed. Changes in temperature and precipitation can affect their habitat and the availability of their prey.
- Limited Range: Komodo dragons are only found on a few islands in Indonesia, primarily on Komodo Island and a few neighboring islands. This limited range makes them vulnerable to localized threats.
- Small Population Size: The naturally small population size of Komodo dragons makes them susceptible to genetic issues and demographic fluctuations. A small population is more vulnerable to threats and may struggle to recover from declines

2. Gray Wolf
The gray wolf is scientifically known as Canis lupus. Gray wolves have an extensive range, historically spanning across North America, Europe, and Asia. They inhabit a variety of ecosystems, including forests, grasslands, tundras, and mountains. Gray wolves are highly social animals that often live and hunt in packs. A pack usually consists of an alpha pair (dominant male and female) and their offspring of various ages. The gray wolf has faced significant threats and population declines due to habitat loss and hunting. Some populations have been listed as endangered or threatened. Gray wolves in most of the United States are once again protected under the Endangered Species Act, according to a new legal decision. Wolves are threatened by conflict with humans and intolerance.
3. Snow Leopard
The snow leopard is one of the “Vulnerable animals” on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Vulnerable animals are species that face a high risk of endangerment in the wild. These species have populations that are declining at a concerning rate, often due to various threats such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and human activities. Vulnerable status is one step away from being classified as endangered. The main reasons this big cat is under threat are hunting, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflicts. There are an estimated 4,080-6,590 snow leopards in the wild, but it is difficult for scientists to know for sure.
4. Desert Tortoise
Desert Tortoise is listed as “threatened” under the United States federal Endangered Species Act and is considered “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Threatened animals are species that are at risk of becoming endangered if significant conservation measures are not taken. These species have populations that are declining rapidly or are facing serious threats that put them at risk of extinction. It is because of widespread habitat destruction and degradation, illegal collection, disease, raven predation, and other factors. Wild desert tortoises can live about 35 or 40 years although some live to be much older.
5. Indian Phyton
The Indian python (Python molurus) is a non-venomous snake species native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Indian pythons are among the largest snake species in the world. They can grow to lengths of 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 meters) or even more in some cases. Indian pythons are listed as a species of “Least Concern” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Indian pythons are considered a vulnerable species and are now protected. The main threat to the species is habitat loss due to agricultural development. Young pythons may be attacked and eaten by a variety of birds, wild dogs hyenas, and even other snakes.
6. Gorilla
Gorillas are listed as critically endangered due to a combination of factors that have led to significant population declines and habitat loss. There are two gorilla species in the world: the eastern gorilla and the western gorilla. The mountain gorilla is a subspecies of the eastern gorilla. The critically endangered mountain gorilla population is threatened by habitat loss, poaching, disease, and war. The commercial trade in bushmeat, which occurs throughout West and Central Africa, is the biggest threat to gorillas today.
7. Elephant
There are three recognized elephant species: Asian, African Savannah, and African Forest. The African forest elephant (loxodonta cyclotis) is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. And the African savanna elephant is now listed as endangered. Since 1986, the Asian elephant has been listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Today, there are fewer than 52,000 Asian elephants left in the wild.
8. Rhinos
There are 5 species of rhino in the world: Black Rhino, White Rhino, Sumatran Rhino, Javan Rhino, and Greater One-Horned Rhino. Three of the five species of rhinos are among the most endangered animals in 2022: the black rhino, the Javan rhino, and the Sumatran rhino. Populations of black rhinos declined dramatically in the 20th century. However, the black rhino is still considered critically endangered. White rhinos are now classified as Near Threatened and around 18,000 animals exist. The recovery of the greater one-horned rhino is a success. Populations have rebounded from fewer than 100 individuals to more than 4,000 today.
Sumatran rhinos are more threatened due to habitat loss and fragmentation. They are now critically endangered, with only five substantial populations in the wild. Fewer than 80 Sumatran rhinos survive in small populations in Indonesia’s Gunung Leuser and Way Kambas National Parks, and a few isolated animals inhabit central Kalimantan. Javan rhinos are found only in Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP). Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) estimates the Javan rhino
population at 76 individuals in 2022. The species is critically endangered, with only one known population in the wild, and no individuals in captivity.
9. Amur Leopard
Amur Leopard is one of the rarest animals in the world. The Amur leopard is a subspecies of leopard that is found in the Russian Far East and parts of China. That’s why, It is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, in 2007. Amur leopards are threatened by poaching, persecution, habitat fragmentation, and excessive harvesting for ceremonial use. There are only around 100 Amur leopards in the wild.
10. Vaquita
With as few as around 10 left, the vaquita is the most endangered cetacean in the world. Vaquita is a species of porpoise endemic to the northern end of the Gulf of California in Baja California, Mexico. Furthermore, the species is currently on the brink of extinction and is currently listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List.
Finally, here are several animals which in danger of extinction and the rarest on earth. The lists are based on the website
Endangered Species/Animals A – Z List (2018, 2019, 2020)
African Elephant |
African Wild Dog |
Albacore Tuna |
Amazon River Dolphin |
Amur Leopard |
Arctic Fox |
Arctic Wolf |
Asian Elephant |
Beluga |
Bigeye Tuna |
Black Rhino |
Black Spider Monkey |
Black-footed Ferret |
Blue Whale |
Bluefin Tuna |
Bonobo |
Bornean Orangutan |
Borneo Pygmy Elephant |
Bowhead Whale |
Brown Bear |
Chimpanzee |
Common Bottlenose Dolphin |
Continental Tiger |
Cross River Gorilla |
Dolphins and Porpoises |
Dugong |
Eastern Lowland Gorilla |
Elephant |
Fin Whale |
Forest Elephant |
Galápagos Penguin |
Ganges River Dolphin |
Giant Panda |
Giant Tortoise |
Gorilla |
Gray Whale |
Great White Shark |
Greater One-Horned Rhino |
Greater Sage-Grouse |
Green Turtle |
Hawksbill Turtle |
Hector’s Dolphin |
Hippopotamus |
Humphead Wrasse |
Indian Elephant |
Indus River Dolphin |
Irrawaddy Dolphin |
Jaguar |
Javan Rhino |
Leatherback Turtle |
Loggerhead Turtle |
Macaw |
Marine Iguana |
Monarch Butterfly |
Mountain Gorilla |
Mountain Plover |
Narwhal |
North Atlantic Right Whale |
Olive Ridley Turtle |
Orangutan |
Pacific Salmon |
Pangolin |
Penguin |
Plains Bison |
Poison Dart Frog |
Polar Bear |
Pronghorn |
Red Panda |
Rhino |
Saola |
Savanna Elephant |
Sea Lions |
Sea Turtle |
Seals |
Sei Whale |
Shark |
Skipjack Tuna |
Sloth |
Snow Leopard |
Southern rockhopper penguin |
Sri Lankan Elephant |
Sumatran Elephant |
Sumatran Orangutan |
Sumatran Rhino |
Sunda Tiger |
Swift Fox |
Tiger |
Tree Kangaroo |
Tuna |
Vaquita |
Western Lowland Gorilla |
Whale |
Whale Shark |
White Rhino |
Yangtze Finless Porpoise |
Yellowfin Tuna |
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