India Flag Fluttering by Kids for Indian Independence Day Celebration – This is an awesome picture of the Indian flag fluttering by kids for the Indian Independence day Celebration that you can download for free. One of the best photos to raise Indian nationalism feeling on this year’s Independence day celebration on 15 August. Featured with a heroic picture of kids fluttering “Tiranga” or the Tricolor or Indian flag image.
India flag is designed with a tricolor or three colors including Saffron, White, and Green with an image of Dharma Chakra. The Saffron color is associated withstands for courage and sacrifice, the white color symbolizes peace, unity, and truth, while the green color has a meaning of standing for faith and fertility. At the center, the Chakra means of Wheel of Law and the importance of justice in life. Finally, feel free to share and download this amazing picture for celebrating Indian independence day.
India celebrates Independence Day on 15 August every year. Also known as “I-Day”, this public holiday marks the date in 1947, when India became an independent country. All schools close for the day, and celebrations vary from school to school, but most schools will hoist the colors of the national flag.
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