Cool Phone Wallpapers with Abstract Yellow and Green Lights in HD – Most of the latest mobile phones has a screen size with 5 inches and more and need a special resolution picture for their background. This is one of our cool phone wallpapers with abstract lights in yellow and green. Phone wallpapers should has a special design and resolution in order to get a fitted measurement. A smartphone with 5 up to 5.5-inch screens will need a resolution with at least a 09:16 aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width and height.
As we know that most of the latest phones have a screen size with 5 inches with a special resolution. One of the best resolutions for a 5-inch mobile phone is HD wallpapers. Basically, HD wallpapers have a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels which the width is 1920 pixels and the height is 1080 pixels. But a mobile phone with a 5-inch screen will need a wallpaper with 1080 pixels width and 1920 pixels weight. The resolution still has the name of HD wallpaper. Here are several smartphones which have a 5 up to 5.5 inches screen size:
Abstract wallpaper is an alternative way to customize your smartphone’s screen. This abstract lights wallpaper is a perfect choice for 5-inch smartphones. Featured with yellow and green lights which combined in dark color background. This wallpaper is a limited design, so you will have a unique wallpaper.
You can also use this wallpaper as an alternative wallpaper for your iPhone. By using high-resolution design, it will be easy to apply this wallpaper for Apple iPhone 6, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max.
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